September 29, 2004 11:36 PM

Birthday & Housewarming Party

On friday Oktober the 1st Julia and me have our housewarming party. And it's also somehow Julia's birthday party....
Every body is invited!

Posted by Florian Beyerlein | Permalink | Categories: Malmö

September 29, 2004 10:49 PM

Pictures: Countryside and Malmö with parents and Julia

My parents visited me for some days. Here are some pictures.
26.09.04 12:49 26.09.04 12:55 26.09.04 12:59 26.09.04 12:59 26.09.04 12:59
26.09.04 13:09 26.09.04 13:08 26.09.04 13:49 26.09.04 13:50 26.09.04 13:27
26.09.04 14:40 26.09.04 14:37 26.09.04 14:18 26.09.04 14:15 26.09.04 15:49
26.09.04 15:39 26.09.04 15:31 26.09.04 18:25 IMG_0997.JPG 28.09.04 10:17
28.09.04 10:50 28.09.04 18:59 28.09.04 18:53

Posted by Florian Beyerlein | Permalink | Categories: Malmö

September 29, 2004 10:19 PM

Never hit your computer!

I'm an friendly and peaceful person. The only time i can remember to have a real fight was in basic primary school, because some guy said something bad to another guy, which i think he shouldn't have said.
Even though i normaly don't get physical, i hate it, if things are not how they are supposed to be.
So when my fucking trackpad (of my otherwise, lovely iBook) didn't work again, i bang my fist on it, and the iBook went silent. So far so good, because i wanted to go to bed anyway.
The next day when i powered up again, everything seemed fine, until i noticed that some of my menu bar items didn't launch.
Hmm. So some fiddling ...
Oh there are probably some user privileges damaged, so repair them .......... (i have a big harddisk) ...... failure.
OK. Perhaps it helps if i run a system upgrade again -> OS X 10.3.5 ......
no .......
Perhaps if i install the whole system again.
Oh, but i have only the 10.2 CD's from my girlfriends iBook at hand so that doesn't work.
Ahhh, i have a (old) backup on my external harddrive.
But i want to backup the now non functioning system, because i want to keep my configurations.
I occupy my girlfriends laptop to copy the files to another drive.
That takes the rest of the day.
The next day i start to reinstall from my backup with CCC.... after a few hours a popup from Sophos Antivirus tells me that i have a windows-virus in one of my .doc-Files.
That was not interesting, because i knew it :-) but i realized then why the backup took so long.
Every copied file was virus-scanned! After i switched checking of it took only about 2 hours.
Yeah, how fast!

Then again it was time for bed.
So today i could finally reinstall all new software that wasn't on my old backup and i am now able to write these few lines.
Did you count?
Two days work for one bang with my fist.....
lesson learned: Never hit your computer!

Posted by Florian Beyerlein | Permalink | Categories: Malmö

September 23, 2004 10:23 PM

Skånes Dansteater rehearsal experience

Just went to a rehearsal of the skånes dansteater for their new play "hope". I have to say, that my girlfriend Julia has draged me there, more or less, as i am not that interested in stuff like that. So, i have never seen either a dance show or a rehearsal for something like that, it was in the end, of course, interesting. They have only practised only for 3 daysyet - and it looked like that :-) - but it was impressing to see how fast the dancers learn and develop their moves. In the beginning i didn't know what was supposed to be and what not, because there was much improvising and it is a very modern kind of dancing, but as they repeated some parts of the choreography picture got clearer. Sometimes one just went around his/her partner when he/her was lying on the floor. Hmm. But then the choreographer said, that's the rule: If one dancer drops to the floor, after his/her improvisation, the other one walks a circel and starts his/her improvision. Man you have to know that!
So, if someone has the chance to visit a rehearsal or performance like this, do it, it's worth it.

Posted by Florian Beyerlein | Permalink | Categories: Art & Alike

September 23, 2004 5:43 PM

Fernsehen als Emotionsgenerator

Ich habe den Eindruck, dass Fernsehen als Initiator für Gefühle dient. Dies ist vor allem dann nützlich, wenn man keine "echten" aus dem realen Leben hat.... Das ist diskusionswürdig.

Posted by Florian Beyerlein | Permalink | Categories: Weisheiten

September 19, 2004 3:28 AM

Old home, trotzdem sweet home

Beim reinemachen der Webseite bin ich auf unsere (Christians und meine) alte Wohnungsankündigung gestoßen.
- Starring Elmo -

Posted by Florian Beyerlein | Permalink | Categories: Bremen

September 18, 2004 11:04 PM

Das Technikwunder von Malmö

Schwede beim Liegerad begutachten Ich bin ja kein übermäßig eitler Mensch, aber ich komm' mir schon immer als kleine Attraktion vor, wenn ich mit meinem Liegerad durch die Gegend fahre.
Viele Leute gucken interessiert (weniger belustigt, wie das in D manchmal ist) und einige sprechen mich auch an.
Was ich dann leider oft mit einem "Förlot, men ja förstå men litte svenska" abbrechen muß, weil ich einfach nix versteh', oder auch nur Englisch antworten kann.
Ganz dreiste halten auch einfach ihre Kamera auf mich....
Julia findet's immer lustig und fährt deshalb oft extra hinter mir, um die Leute beim gaffen zu begaffen. :-)

Posted by Florian Beyerlein | Permalink | Categories: Malmö

September 18, 2004 3:28 PM

Ein kleiner Schritt für mich, ein kleiner Schritt für die Menschheit

Hallo Leser, da Malte auf der Medieninformatikerparty diesen Sommer so von NewsFeeds und RSS geschwärmt hat bin ich jetzt auch so weit meine Malmö Geschichten und evtl auch anderes als "echtes" Blog zu veröffentlichen, also richtig mit RSS/XML Feed und so. Da ich auf das Angebot von Malte doch auf einem Uni-Rechner mein eigenes Blog zu bekommen nicht eingehen wollte, habe ich nach einer anderen Lösung gesucht und in nanoblogger (hoffentlich) auch gefunden.
Weitere Neuigkeiten und evtl auch Anleitungen, was das denn eigentlich bedeutet, kommen noch.

Posted by Florian Beyerlein | Permalink | Categories: Malmö

September 09, 2004 1:11 AM

Carrot-Ice and Yane

OK. An somehow unimaginative headline, but it's true.
I ate Carrot-Icecream, what a strange flavour, but actually it tastes good. I recommend it.
And then I went to the trainstation at 18:40. Yane should come at 18:55, so i was really happy that i wasn't too late, as usual, but then she wasn't there. So i waited another 20min for the next train and read a book. Meanwhile Yane was waiting, too. Bla bla. I just write this not to watch "The Ring" too observingly. :-)
IMG_0591.JPG IMG_0593.JPG IMG_0608.JPG IMG_0602.JPG IMG_0596.JPG IMG_0611.JPG

Posted by Florian Beyerlein | Permalink | Categories: Malmö

September 06, 2004 1:11 AM

My Sister Eva left today

Had my first lesson on "international project management" today. I fear it will be very theoretical and expensive if i buy all the books we should read.
My sister was here for the last week and enjoyed shopping :-)
And again some pictures.
IMG_0446.JPG 04-09 beach1 04-09 beach20 04-09 beach21 04-09 beach15 IMG_0485.JPG IMG_0487.JPG IMG_0498.JPG
IMG_0508.JPG IMG_0502.JPG IMG_0518.JPG IMG_0551.JPG IMG_0555.JPG

Posted by Florian Beyerlein | Permalink | Categories: Malmö

September 03, 2004 1:11 AM

Filesharing rules!

Just found [ FoundPhotos ] where you can see accidentally found photos from p2p networks. That reminded me of an idea to write a p2p-trash-sharing app... Oh no. What am i doing, i should write a composition about the mind-brain problem.

Posted by Florian Beyerlein | Permalink | Categories: Malmö