Charles Linehan" /> - FloriansSicht: Skånes Dansteater rehearsal experience

September 23, 2004 10:23 PM

Skånes Dansteater rehearsal experience

Just went to a rehearsal of the skånes dansteater for their new play "hope". I have to say, that my girlfriend Julia has draged me there, more or less, as i am not that interested in stuff like that. So, i have never seen either a dance show or a rehearsal for something like that, it was in the end, of course, interesting. They have only practised only for 3 daysyet - and it looked like that :-) - but it was impressing to see how fast the dancers learn and develop their moves. In the beginning i didn't know what was supposed to be and what not, because there was much improvising and it is a very modern kind of dancing, but as they repeated some parts of the choreography picture got clearer. Sometimes one just went around his/her partner when he/her was lying on the floor. Hmm. But then the choreographer said, that's the rule: If one dancer drops to the floor, after his/her improvisation, the other one walks a circel and starts his/her improvision. Man you have to know that!
So, if someone has the chance to visit a rehearsal or performance like this, do it, it's worth it.

Posted by Florian Beyerlein | Categories: Art & Alike