December 13, 2004 10:03 PM


malmö akademiska kör, st: johannes kyrkan, 2004
Malmö Akademiska Kör
I probably never mentioned it before, but the Swedes are obsessed with light.
I think it has to be like that, because else you can't bear these long winters. So it's no wonder that they celebrate a light bringing saint during xmas time. Lucia is a a 4th century Sicilian saint, that has somehow managed to get into the Swedish minds (and Finish btw) [short and longer description]. Therefore in every church there is a choir with a blonde, candle wearing girl/woman that sings really beautiful songs. We were at St. Johannes Kyrkan where the Malmö Akademiska Kör performed.
The atmosphere remembered me of Easter Mass in Germany that is held at sunrise or in the middle of the night. Only with much more beautiful singing :-)
If you want to experience what i talk about, watch the movie (Quicktime, mp4)!

Posted by Florian Beyerlein | Categories: Malmö