October 17, 2004 4:19 PM

Filmfestival Simrishamn

The Great Organisator aka Julia organized a trip to Simrishamn to visit their Shortfilm Festival.
We almost got there in time at 13:15 to watch the first part with animations, some were good some bad, like it is almost everywhere at shortfilm festivals, at least in my experience.
The program went on with "Reclaiming the public space" where my favorite was a film composed merely by thousands of pictures in a row about people living, working, building, create capital, of politicians and finaly pictures of the demo at the G8 congress in Genua.
The next part "New Film & Video From the UK", was - arty. Let's leave it with that.
At the last thing we managed to attend was the "Open Scene" with some nice movies...., but then we had to go.
There were really a couple of nice films, but after 6 hours watching it's enough. If you want a one second experience of the afternoon click on the second picture :-)
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Posted by Florian Beyerlein | Categories: Malmö