October 01, 2004 1:01 PM

Funny Nightmare: Guitars, Jodeling and Bikebashing

Went to Gitarrmongot (Guitar Mongo) last night, a swedish movie about swedish life of 'normal' swedish people.
The star is a young boy, who 'plays' guitar in shopping streets and 'sings' more or less, sometimes Elvis-like, sometimes just crap. But the movie has several story lines, that are not realy connected.
One is about a mentaly disabled woman, that has to check at least 20 times if her door is locked. She puts flyer up throughout town, because she can't find her red bike anymore.
Another story line is some guys who throw bikes in the harbour or put them over lampposts, one is of course red. For a bike lover like me that was hurting a lot :-)
An so on. Other guys play with helium and make funny noises, or bang their head with bottles, or play russian roulette....
Despite the fact that nothing realy happens it's never boring. Not even if you don't understand swedish :-)

Posted by Florian Beyerlein | Categories: Malmö